Zele Huber Opens Stuart Office

Zele Huber Trial Attorneys has opened an office in Stuart, Florida. Located at 850 Northwest Federal Highway, Suite 423, (772-237-3402) the Stuart office combines with the firm’s Jupiter, Florida, location to solidify a strong presence in Palm Beach and the Treasure Coast. Long a well-respected law firm in Jupiter, partners Gregory T. Zele and Gregory… Read more »

Zele Huber & Friends Help Clean Up Jupiter

Friends and attorneys from Zele Huber recently engaged in litter removal along Heights Boulevard in Jupiter as part of the town’s Adopt-A-Road program.  Zele Huber adopted the street two years ago  and periodically canvasses the road to pick up trash and debris.   “Adopt-A-Road is a great program that let’s us make a positive impact… Read more »

When You Buy Auto Insurance:

1. Request a quote from several licensed insurance agents. Be sure to ask for the same coverage from each so your comparisons will be accurate. 2.  Make sure you purchase Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM) coverage up to the limits of your Bodily Injury (BI) coverage.  Often times insurers and their agents will ask you to waive… Read more »

Do Pre-Existing Conditions/Injuries Bar Recovery?

In the context of a personal injury claim, a pre-existing condition/injury is a physical or mental condition that exists to some degree before the incident giving rise to the personal injury claim.  Insurance companies through their propaganda have indoctrinated many potential jurors with the belief that all pre-existing conditions are not compensable and that plaintiffs… Read more »

What do I do If I am injured while driving a work vehicle?

Many people are fortunate to have a vehicle provided to them by their employer.  If you are one of these people, and you find yourself involved in an auto accident while occupying this work vehicle, you may be asking yourself: Should I report this as a worker’s compensation claim? Should I make a claim for… Read more »

Are You Suffering After A Hip Implant?

In July 2012, Stryker Orthopaedics announced a voluntary recall of certain models of its Rejuvenate and ABG II hip implants.  We are currently investigating and accepting representation in cases involving the recalled hip implants.  We are also investigating claims for injuries caused by hip replacements made by the Depuy, Pinnacle, Biomet and Wright companies. When… Read more »

Slip and Falls: The Burden is on You!

Aside from automobile accidents, slip and falls are the most common source of personal injuries.  Did you know that a recent change in Florida law now places the burden on the injured party to identify the substance that caused them to fall?  So, while most people are not just in pain and embarrassed having just… Read more »

Why You Need An Attorney

One question we often hear from potential clients is do I really even need an attorney?  After all, everyone likes to believe that they know how to negotiate so why pay an attorney?  The simplest answer is that studies have shown that hiring an experienced personal injury attorney to represent you in your claim for… Read more »

Should a Remote Texter Be Liable For Distracting a Driver?

According to the Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention, “[e]ach day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,060 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.”  Texting while driving is one of the most deadly forms of distraction because it takes the driver’s… Read more »

You Have Full Coverage But Are You Fully Covered?

Many times, we will meet with a prospective client who claims to have “full coverage” with their insurance company only to find they are severely underinsured.  The discrepancy lies in what an insurance agent and/or insurance company labels “full coverage.”  In Florida, the state minimum insurance coverage is only the $10,000.00 PIP benefits and $10,000.00… Read more »