Zele Selected for Leadership Palm Beach County Class of 2014

Greg Zele was recently selected to participate in Leadership Palm Beach County‘s 2014 Leadership Program, which aims to identify and unite diverse leaders in order to increase understanding of countywide issues and improve participants’ ability to lead effectively.  LPBC’s 10-month Leadership Program brings class members to significant sites throughout the county to meet with community leaders and gain hands-on experience with major industries and issues.
Christina D’Elosua, LPBC Executive Director, described the selection process:
“We couldn’t have been more impressed by the applicants for the Leadership Palm Beach County Class of 2014!  This year’s class is again comprised of top-tier leaders in a variety of industries that represent the diverse demographics of Palm Beach County. The class of 2014 is looking forward to deepening their civic commitment and awareness of diverse industries in Palm Beach County, as well as meeting and engaging the county’s top leaders.
Leadership Palm Beach County, Inc., is an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to foster awareness of community issues and promote efficient communication and cooperative relationships between existing and emerging community leaders. LPBC’s stated mission is to educate and unite leaders to build a better community. Initiated in 1983 through a collaborative effort of the local Chambers of Commerce, LPBC has prepared more than 1,000 graduates for enhanced community leadership roles.